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Holy Week

Here you come, making your grand entrance into Jerusalem Sitting on a donkey, Weeping over the Holy City, Emptying yourself, Letting the crowds hail you Holy Week … Passion Week

Passion: from the Latin pati, meaning “to suffer or endure” If you knew all that was to come, would you have turned around?

Active early in the week
Chasing moneychangers out of the temple Cursing a fig tree, Honoring a widow’s generosity, Foretelling the destruction of the temple. Playing verbal cat and mouse with the chief priests. Radical love and righteous anger. Two sides of the same coin. My kingdom is not of this world. Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God
A passion for justice nailing your coffin.

At night retreating to the safety of Bethany
Staying with Mary, Martha and Lazarus. Accepted and loved as you are. Allowing a woman to anoint your head with oil. Let her alone; why do you trouble her, She has done what she could, Anointed my body beforehand for burial.

Passive: being the object of action rather than causing action.

A last supper with your disciples. Sitting next to the one who would betray you, How could you keep your composure? A fight breaking out: who is the greatest? Have I not taught you anything? Bread and wine: offering your own body and blood for the sake of the world.

Great drops of sweat pouring out of you. If it is possible, let this cup pass from me. Everyone sleeping, Would I have done the same? Friend, do what you are here to do. The hour is at hand. No turning back

Passive - derived from “passion”: suffering without resistance.

Three years of action, now only passion
Tell us if you are the Messiah, the son of God. You have said so, They spit, strike, slap. No response
Peter sitting outside, the only one. Certainly you are also one of them. I do not know the man

The cock crows for me, too, Jesus’ last night on this earth spent in prison.

Are you the king of the Jews?
You say so, Don’t you hear how many accusations are made against you? Passive Who should I release for you? Barabbas!

What should I do with this Jesus? Let him be crucified! Pilate actively washing his hands
Jesus passively putting himself into God’s hands.

Crucifixion, Passion, Submission
Let it be to me according to your word. Women beating their breasts and wailing. The disciples: where are they? This is Jesus, the King of the Jews. He saved others; he cannot save himself
Remember me when you come into your kingdom. Forgiving a thief on the cross
One last action; Today you will be with me in Paradise.

Passion: It is finished
Action: The curtain of the temple torn in two
Earth shaking, rocks splitting, tombs opening
The centurion and those watching over Jesus
Truly this man was God’s son. The first converts. Resurrection before resurrection.

Lord Jesus, I give myself to you Passive, waiting. I want to begin a new life now. I give to you all of my fears and failures
I release them into your hands.

Fill all of me with all of your Resurrection power. Offering all that I am and hope to become. A pure expression of your love. All you want is love for you. For my neighbor, And my world. . . . . Passion.