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Lynn Overmyer - Peace Corps

Lynn, Kurt, and Judy Overmyer want to thank our congregation and  the Bea  Trissel Circle for the wonderful  support of Lynn's Peace Corp experience and  for the generosity you have shown.  The  funding of the Lamen Bay Elementary  school  library project will provide long-lasting benefit for the  people of  Epi Island in Vanuatu.  Lynn said  that 8 to 9 boxes of books will be sent! The children will be excited to experience modern, colorful, and  interesting  books.  Think how their lives  will be enriched by your concern.  The Lamen Bay church has prayed in thanksgiving for our  congregation's contributions  to their  children.  Lynn enjoys and appreciates your notes and  news.

Celebrating the culture of Vanuatu with the tasty dinner and bright decorations reminded Judy and Kurt of the time they spent there.  People are  certainly kind and caring the  whole world over.  Thanks be to God!!!

A Huge Thank You to the entire church for the support given to the Island Dinner and the school library in Vanuatu. Because of all of you we mailed $850.00 to the Darien Book Aid Plan, Inc so they could mail boxes of books to the school library in Vanuatu. Lynn sent a message right after the dinner and I want to share it with you--THANK YOU again, The Bea Trissell Circle

Wow, what a blessing! Thank you so much for all of the work that you put into this and all of the support you have continually sent! These photos make me wish I was with you all, it's so nice to see all of my favorite people gathered together.

I stopped by the school this morning to pass the wonderful news to the school chairman. He was gleeful and sends his message of gratitude to you all. He and the principal are doing amazing work getting the school on its feet. These books will help to complete their push for improved literacy and the school renovation. While I was there a group of mamas were painting the once dark library a bright light blue- I can already see how wonderful the library will be!.

I will contact the book organization again now and make sure they are ready for the check. $800 will be enough to create a substantial library, the community will be overwhelmed!

Sipa Ruka, mo Bae God i Blessum yu! (Thank you so much, and may God bless you!)

Lynn Overmyer

I got to the primary school this afternoon to sort out some of the old books and was greeted by our headmistress who was wearing the biggest grin on her face! 6 boxes of beautiful... books arrived over the weekend - making a grand total of 9 boxes- with a confirmation from the organization that one is still on its way.

A flurry of students helped us sort out the books onto the new shelves- we were so excited I barely remembered to take photos. (excuse the blurr!)

First, the students got their hands on the new books and all they could say was "Awo awo awo!!!" as they pulled out stories about princesses and dragons and dolphins and fairies.

Books came for every level- kindy through 8th grade, and I saw book after book from my childhood- all of the great ones: Rainbow fish, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, The hungry Catepillar, Nancy Drew, the Narnia series, and a million others.



Here's Leitau in the brand new section for grades 7&8. Previously there were about 20 dusty old books for these students- now over 150 reading books alone! Great teaching resources came as well- more on that later...




(The students were shy at first) Can you see these books?!?! A box FULL of science and social studies and every kind of subject book came full of pictures and diagrams- fantastic resources for the students AND their teachers. The school had nothing like this- and without internet easily accessible things like describing snow and deserts were difficult for these island dwellers. Now we have books full of pictures on a huge range of topics.




On the left is our headmistress, Mrs. Noylin, and on the right Mrs. Thompson who teaches grades 1 and 2. After the students left and the dust settled they got their turn to look around. Mrs. Thompson found a stack of early Phonics books and site word cards which she quickly put her stamp on. Mrs. Noylin found "Our Government" a book about democracy for her grade 7 social studies class. THEN they found what they would be reading on their own time- "Nancy Drew all the way!" :)



So this is just a brief update and a huge THANK YOU!– we still have a lot of unpacking to do! I'll be sure to take more photos in the next few weeks as the library continues to come together and as the books start to be put into use. We plan to have an opening ceremony and an official thank you for the library the last week of school (my last week on Epi!) around Thanksgiving time. God Bless you all, you made 200 kids and teachers extremely happy today and are brightening their lives for years to come!

Sipa way sipa way sipa!!! (thank you thank you thank you!!!)

Lynn and all of Akama Primary School




Lynn enjoys receiving letters and cards from her church family, here’s her address:

Lynn Overmyer, PCV

c/o Epi Island High School

Lamen Bay Post Office

Epi Island, Republic of Vanuatu, South Pacific


Many thanks to all who send notes of encouragement, prayers and thoughts Lynn’s way, what a treat to receive news from home. Thanks again!


“Letter Info:” Regular, 1 ounce, letters cost $1.10 and can be any combination of stamps to total that amount. 2 ounces costs $1.90. Square and rigid envelopes cost $1.30.