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Worship Design Team

Why we changed our opening worship?


Have you noticed the atmosphere in the Narthex on Sunday mornings before worship?  It's filled with enthusiasm, friendship and fellowship!  Everyone seems engaged and excited to be there  Somehow, we lose some of that atmosphere as we enter the sanctuary and begin to prepare for worship.  In an effort to keep our morale going during the service, we're going to try a little experiment beginning Sunday, October 5.  We’ll begin with Congregational Singing, then  Lifting the Community, as well as announcements of praise. This will lead into the singing of our Opening Hymn of Praise.  If you have a favorite hymn that you have been wanting to sing and we haven’t sung it for a while, let the Church Office know and we’ll see that it gets into the line up. If you have a JOY to be lifted during the Lifting of the Community, see that an Usher gets it first thing Sunday morning and they will put it up front. We’re going to try this for 7 weeks, from Sunday, October 5 - Sunday, November 23, all the while we will be revisiting, re-evaluating and re-thinking how this is working. You can make your thoughts, concerns, comments and questions known by contacting the Church Office

(616-538-3070 or

**What do you think? If you have been in worship during the past month you will have noticed the above change, and we are quickly approaching the end of the “trial” period. The Worship Design Team needs to hear from you regarding this change to our order of worship. Please take a few moments and let us know what you think; did you like the change, do we need to add, subtract, re-think or just do away with it? We need to hear from you. Please contact us through the above number or email and let us know.**

Just in case you were wondering about Church in the Park, YES! Church in the Park will happen this summer.

Our first Sunday in the Park will be SUNDAY, JUNE 26 at 8:30 AM.  Bring a blanket or lawn chair!


Wedgewood Park

3391 Wilson Avenue SW

Grandville MI